
發照單位 證照名稱
SOLE-The International Society of Logistics Demonstrated Senior Logistician
SOLE-The International Society of Logistics Demonstrated Seniro Logistician
EPC Global EPC Certified Internet of Things Expert
社團法人台灣產業永續發展協會 ESG中階管理師
社團法人台灣產業永續發展協會 ESG初階管理師
CERPS(中華企業資源規劃學會) Elementary ERP Planner(初階ERP規劃師)
GLAD English Vocabulary Quitient in Business and Management
GLAD全球學習與測評發展中心 English Vocabulary Quotient in Culinary
ERPS Enterprise Resource Planning proficiency
AFNOR Environmental Management Systems(ISO14001:2004)Lead Auditor Training Course